Dosti Shayari on Attitude

Category: Attitude Shayari in English

Dosti Attitude Shayari in English features cool and fun friendship quotes in English. Perfect for showing off your attitude and expressing your bond with friends. Easy to read and great for sharing as a text and images on Social Media, (Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter etc)..

A book may be the best among hundreds,
But the best friend is akin to a library.

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What kind of goodness, what kind of trust,
What kind of friendship,
What kind of love you expect from others,
Its beginning should first be from you.

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Helping with a good mind,
Friendship made with good people is never wasted.

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I don’t know if any friendship lasts forever,
But praising it every day keeps the friendship alive.

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Friendship is not just about being present,
If you remember us even from afar,
That’s a greater reward for us.

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You came into life as a friend,
That we forgot the world,
Whether you remember us or not,
But we have forgotten to forget you.

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If there’s a mistake in friendship, correct it,

But never lose your friendship,

And if a friend is the dearest, then don’t let them sleep with a troubled heart.

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I call someone a friend who feels good to my heart,

I don’t play politics with relationships for profit.

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O Fate’s Alexander, do me a favor,

Write only smiles in my friend’s destiny,

May no shadow of pain fall on them,

Even if my life is written in their destiny.

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For light, a lamp burns,

For a candle, a moth burns,

If there’s no friend, the heart burns,

And a friend like you, the world burns for.

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“Falling in love doesn’t count,

because making up is what friends are for.”

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It would have been better not to escape the storms,

The illusions of friends drowned us from the shore.

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I didn’t have friendship with anyone, nor did I have love,

When I looked in bad times, there was no friend.

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Life goes on every moment,

Light is found every moment,

The fragrance of love is found every moment,

But true friendship is rarely found.

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People say no one finds God on earth,

Maybe those people haven’t found a friend like you.

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A star is plucked from the sky,

A spark is given in the world of loneliness,

My fate also boasts of me,

God has given such a dear friend.

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If someone is upset, convince them,

If someone is broken, hold them,

Some friends are very precious,

Meet them in friendship sometime.

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Don’t judge the wealth of a friend,

Those who keep faith are often poor.

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Try not to hurt anyone,

Don’t break ties with loved ones in life,

Nurture any friendship in such a way,

That the bond of that friendship never breaks for a lifetime.

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Don’t follow me, it’s possible I’m not a true friend,

The true friend is the one who stands by you when they should be elsewhere.

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Keep a good friend dearer than good times

because a good friend can turn bad times into good.

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dosti shayari in english attitude

Friendship is the only “good”

thing we take with us when we die

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True friendship isn’t the one

that is formed with everyone, it’s the one

where you feel like you belong.

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Time will pass while we’re together,

after being apart, who will remember whom,

live these moments while friends are together,

who knows where time will take us tomorrow.

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What’s the point of friendship without fun,

and what’s the point of friendship without foolishness.

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No one distances themselves by choice,

everyone is compelled by their circumstances,

all we know is,

every relationship is a gem and every friend is a treasure.

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People look at wealth, we look at respect,

people look at destinations, we look at journeys,

people make friendships, we maintain them.

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Don’t count mistakes in friendship,

who did what wrong…

friendship is like an addiction,

something you and I both indulge in.

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When you say to leave

your wandering friend,

can you bear to bury me?

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Neither will you go far nor will we,

we’ll fulfill our respective shares of friendship.

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In friendship, there’s no day, no time,

it’s a feeling where only friendship exists.

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dosti shayari in english attitude

Friends are the family

we choose for ourselves.

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Friendship is the name of the story of joy and sorrow,

friendship is a secret of always smiling,

it’s not a momentary recognition,

it’s a promise to be together for life.

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Not everyone has such fate,

not every destination leads to a friend like you,

my destiny must be somewhat special,

otherwise where would I find a friend like you.

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In the crowd of the world, there was loneliness,

thought no one was meant to be mine in destiny,

one day when I met you as a friend, it felt like,

there was something special in the lines of my palm.

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Who says friendship is between equals…

the truth is in friendship, everyone is equal.

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My habits are different from the world’s,

I keep fewer friends but keep them exceptional.

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True friends never let you fall,

neither in anyone’s eyes nor at anyone’s feet.

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Sometimes looking at our best friend

we wonder what will happen to the one they’ll marry…

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May there be a moment of ours in the whirlpool of memories,

may there be a flower of ours in the blooming garden,

when you remember your friends,

may our name be the only one in those names.

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We don’t boast about ourselves,

we don’t force anyone to remember us,

but once we make someone a friend,

we don’t distance them from our hearts.

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dosti shayari in english attitude

“I know I’m not your real friend,

but I think you’re a pretty good fake.”

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If God didn’t create the bond of friendship,

humans would never believe

that strangers could be dearer than loved ones.

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We have this right in friendship,

we are dedicated to you even to the point of giving our lives,

may you never receive flowers or wounds from anyone else,

we pray to God for this all the time.

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Making new friends isn’t easy,

sometimes you meet selfish friends,

and sometimes you meet friends

who are ready to push you into a pit.

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We truly befriend you,

you can try and see,

we are as genuine as gold,

you can try and burn us in fire.

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If there’s something in your heart, don’t hide it,

trust us a little,

we’ll uphold this relationship of friendship so strongly,

that even if you try to forget, you won’t be able to forget us or life.

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What gift should I give you on your birthday,

I’ll find you a new girlfriend,

but never forget me,

swear on our friendship.

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We take away all the sorrows of our friends,

we fulfill the bond of friendship to the fullest,

we love our friends so much,

that even enemies plan to be friends with us.

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Good Friends Are Hard to Find,

Difficult to Leave,

Impossible to Forget.

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Friendship is a warm feeling

which comes from the

inner core of the heart

it can not be buy or sell.

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dosti shayari in english attitude

The language of friendship

is Not words but meaning.

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Friends are like stars,

they come and go,

but the ones that

stay are the ones that glow.

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There is no price tag

on a best friend.

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Only a true best friend

can protect you from

your immortal enemies.

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A true friend does not

judge you in any way.

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A friend is someone who can see

the truth and pain in you even when

you are fooling everyone else.

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Friendship doubles your joy

and divides your sorrow.

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Walking with a friend

in the dark is better than

walking alone in the light.

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A true friend knows

your weakness

but show you your strength.

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Best Friend is like a chocolate chip

in the cookie of life!

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dosti shayari in english attitude

Friendship is not love plus time;

it is love, period!

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Selfless love is more

common than true friendship.

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Friendship is a treasure, a bond so true, In you,

my best friend, I’ve found my soul’s clue.

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You’re there through thick and thin,

A friend like you is a precious win.

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In laughter and tears, we stand strong,

Together we conquer, all day long.

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You understand me like no other,

With you, I find solace, my dear brother.

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In your smile, I see my sunshine,

Forever grateful, our friendship will shine.

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Through ups and downs, we always endure,

In this journey of friendship, we’re secure.

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Our memories, a treasure to hold,

In your presence, my heart unfolds.

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dosti shayari in english attitude

A shameless friend has
no sense of shame at all.

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You lift me up when I am low,

With you by my side, I always glow.

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In your embrace, I find peace,

With you, my worries cease.

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A friend like you is a blessing divine,

In this journey of life, you’re my lifeline.

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So let’s cherish this bond forever,

In this friendship, we’ll waver never.

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With you, my best friend, I am complete,

In your friendship, my heart finds its beat.

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In two lines, I express my love so true,

Best friends forever, that’s me and you.

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“You’re my

best friend.”

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dosti shayari in english attitude

“Friends are the

sunshine of life.”

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“The best thing about friendship is

that it doesn’t cost an arm and a leg.”

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“A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and

can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.”

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Friends are like roses,

they sprout up when you least expect them.

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Friends are what

make life worth living.

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The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that

they can grow separately without growing apart.

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A real friend is one who walks in

when the rest of the world walks out.

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Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you;

spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.

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Friendship is the only cement

that will ever hold the world together.

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A friend to one is a friend to all,

but a true friend will treat you better than your own mother.

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A friend who fills our life with lots of love,

joy happiness. Friendship never comes to a point,

especially when it’s straight from the heart and your,

a wonderful human being and a beautiful girl.

Your smile refreshes my day, and your voice creates magic.

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Fake friends are like the sun,

they shine so bright you think they’re real.

But in fact they’re just a reflection of your own light.

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“Fake friends are the ones who tell you they’re your best friend,

but when you turn to them for help, they ignore you.”

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Friends are shameless souls who please and

annoy each other shamelessly and unregrettably.

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A friend is one who walks in when

the rest of the world walks out.

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I am that type of person Who is shy in front of relatives,

and shameless in front of friends.

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Everyone has the right to be ugly.

But you are overdoing it.

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It’s ok if you disagree with me.

I can’t force you to be right.

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Calling you an idiot would be an

insult to all the stupid people.

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Good Friends Help You To Find Important Things

When You Have Lost Them. Your Smile, Your Hope, and Your Courage.

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Always love your friends from your

heart not from your mood or need.

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Make new friends, but keep the old;

Those are silver these are gold..

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If you HURT my best friend,

I can make your DEATH look like an ACCIDENT!

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dosti shayari in english attitude

A friend is someone who knows all about your life,

but keeps what he knows to himself.

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My love for you is like water,

Falling countless… The beating of my heart,

For you is so heavy and soundless,

The feeling of being in your arm is so Precious and endless.

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Love is like water.

You can fall in it.

You can drown in it and you can’t live without it.

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Friendship is not about who acts true to your face.

It’s about people who remain true behind your back.

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Fake friends are like shadows:

always near you at your brightest moments,

but nowhere to be seen at your darkest hour.

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As Long As We Both Are Sharing The Same Sky And Breathing In The Same Air,

We Will Remain Best Friends To Each Other. I Miss You!

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You may be out of my sight…

But never out of my mind… I Miss You!

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Because of you, I laugh a little harder,

cry a little less, and smile a lot more.

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True friends are like diamonds-bright,

beautiful, valuable, and always in style.

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“Real friendship is your friend comes over

to your house and then you both just take a nap.”

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Friends are like stars you don’t always see,

but they are always there.

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Friends are like the wind,

you can’t see them,

but you can feel them.

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Friends are a precious thing. When you have one,

you know it. When you don’t have one,

even though it hurts more than anything else in the world,

you just know.

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The friends who are closest to us are

the ones we never see. Until they die.

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A friend will help you move a Mountain if you ask them,

but they will also cheerfully ask you to do it yourself.

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Friends can be like diamonds; you find them in the rough and polish them up,

and they become bright and sparkly prizes that make everything else pale in comparison.

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The best thing about friends is that they know exactly how much you care

about them because they care about you too much to pretend otherwise!

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Friends are like underwear. You never want them to disappear,

but you can’t always see them at the same time.

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Friends are like the wild flowers that grow on your path and

you can’t step over them without crushing them.

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Friendship is a beautiful thing.

It makes its own beauty, and keeps it forever.

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Friendship is the first luxury; it is the greatest of comforts in affliction,

and the surest pledge of good success in prosperity.

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Friendship is like a boomerang. If you hold on to it,

it will come back around to hit you in the face.

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Friends are like stars.

You don’t always see them,

but you know they’re there.

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Friends are like angels.

They may not always be with you,

but they are always with you in spirit.

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Friends are the new family.

But if your family is dysfunctional,

so is your friends family.

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A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and

can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.

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A friend is someone who knows all

about you and loves you just the same.

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A friend is someone who knows all about you and still likes you

just a little bit more than they do anybody else.

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Friends are those people who help us stand on our feet even though

they don’t know our names or how we got here or where we’re supposed to go next.

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“A friend is somebody who knows all

about you and still likes you.”

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“A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and

can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.”

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“The best thing about a good friend is that he makes us laugh

when we are sad and cheers us up when we are down.”

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“Friendship is like water,

it takes away thirst.”

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When you’re down, it’s good to have friends

who will pick you up, not forget your name.

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True friends are the ones who plant trees

under which we grow up to be taller.

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Friends are like stars…just because

you don’t see them doesn’t mean they’re not there!

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It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone…

but it takes a lifetime to forget them!

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A true friend is someone who knows

all about us and loves us anyway.

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Best friends are the ones who cheer for you when your team loses and

still want to hang out with you when your team wins!

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A friend is one who knows us better than we know ourselves;

a true friend is one who treats us as if they knew us from the beginning

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Friends are like stars..

You don’t always see them,

but you know they are there.

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Friends are the air we breathe.

Without them, we can’t survive.

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Friends are like diamonds:

You never know how much a friend is really worth until you lose one.

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Friends are God’s way of keeping us from being

so self-centered that we forget all about him.

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Friends are like dew drops on the flower petals;

they make the flowers beautiful to look at..

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A friend is one who knows us

and loves us just the same.

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A friend is someone who listens

when you don’t have anything to say.

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Friends are like aires; they come,

they go, but they leave their mark!

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Friendship is the hardest thing in the world

to explain and harder still to live up to.

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– Friendship is a treasure, the only treasure

I have found worth keeping. – Henry David Thoreau

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– A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and

can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.

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– Friendship is like peeing; if you have to do it,

do it somewhere else, but if you can help it, do it together.

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“The best thing about friends is that

you can tell them anything and they will always love you.”

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“Friends are like glass; you can break them,

but the one who makes it is the real one.”

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“Friendship is not a matter of x number of smiles or y number of words spoken

but rather a matter of x number of crises overcome.”

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“A best friend is like a

piece of you that never leaves.”

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“Friends are flowers that bloom only once in a while,

but they never fade.”

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Friendship is a single soul

in two bodies. – Aristotle

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Friends are like fish.

It’s not that hard to catch them,

but it’s hard to keep them for long.

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My best friend is the one

who brings out the best in me.

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Best friends are like a pen. You can write with them,

but you can also use them to stab people in the back.

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The best thing about being friends with

someone is that you know what they’re up to.

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A best friend is someone who brings out

the best in you, even if you don’t know it.

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A best friend is like having

a little piece of heaven stuck right in your heart.

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A best friend is someone you can go to when life gets tough,

someone who will always be there no matter what happens.

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A true friend is the one who walks in

when the rest of the world walks out!

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Best friends are like chocolate:

You never know where they’re hiding!

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Best friends are

the family you never had.

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The best friend is the one

who can see you through the good and bad times.

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A friend is someone who knows all about you,

but loves you just the same.

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A true friend never judges you by your weight or what you drive,

but by your heart and character.

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A true friend will be there for you even if

he doesn’t understand why he should be at that moment.”

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“The best part about having a best

friend is knowing how good they make you feel.”

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“A true friend puts himself in your shoes,

which means he carries your feelings inside his own body.”

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“A true friend doesn’t look at the size of your wallet,

he looks inside and sees what’s in it.”

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My Reaction: When my best friend

talks to me with respect.

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Never let your friends feel lonely,

Disturb them all the time

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It’s a good day when your friend has

good taste and you have bad jokes ?

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“We are best friends. Always remember that if you fall,

I will pick you up… after I finish laughing.”

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“It’s not that diamonds are a girl’s best friend,

but it’s your best friends who are your diamonds.”

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A group of 3 friends

is more evil than a devil.

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Fake friends are like shadows.

They follow you in the sun but leave you in the dark.

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Don’t Get Too Close To Someone Because

A Small Change In Their Behaviour Hurts A Lot

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As an SEO Expert and Blogger with a deep passion for Shayari, I specialize in optimizing online visibility and crafting compelling content. Beyond the digital realm, my heart lies in Shayari, where words become poetry, expressing emotions with eloquence. Join me on a journey of optimization, creativity, and the artistry of Shayari. Let's elevate your online presence and delve into the beauty of words together.