Happy Life Shayari in English

Here you can discover thousands of happy life shayari in English. The happiness that has come in your life can be expressed through a few lines of poetry. Here you can get these shayaris in the form of text and also in the form of image which you can download for free. And you can share these quotes with your friends on social media Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp.

“Happiness is the best makeup”

Happiness Is A Blessing In Life;
Cherish It Every Day.

If You Wish To Be Happy, Be Compassionate With Others.
If You Want Others To Be Happy, Be Caring.

Happiness Is Having Authority Over Your Feelings;
Happiness Is Having The Courage To Do The Right Actions.

When You Feel Happy, Share The Happiness,
When You Feel Sad, Pray For The Best.

The Way To Become Happy Is To
Share Your Best Feelings With Others.

Happiness Is Having Caring People
Around You Who Cherish You.

Smile Whenever You Can Live Every
Moment With The Best Ability.

We Are Born To Be Happy,
Not To Be Suffered.

One Thing That A Person Can Learn
Is To Smile In Every Situation.

Be Happy No Matter What;
This Life Is Not Even Permanent.

“Happiness walks step by step just right beside you;
if you look at it mindfully.”

Krishna Said, “Everything Is Not Permanent In
Life So Be Humble And Have Faith”.

When You Start Enjoying Your Life,
Everything Becomes A True Sense Of Purpose.

Happiness Is The Real Meaning Of Life,
Not Everything Can Be Handled With Anger.

Sometimes To Control Something,
You Need Just To Shower And Smile.

Happiness Comes From Within You,
And No Circumstances Can Harm Your Satisfaction.

The Moment You Realize You’re
The Cause, You’ll See The Effect.

Fortune Comes When You Start Appreciating Life,
Be The Person Who Imparts Hope And Cherishes Everyone Around You.

Those Born As Humans Are Fortunate To See The Sky,
Enjoy The Light And Make The Best Out Of Their Lives.

Challenge Every Situation, And
You’ll See The Change In Your Life.

Never Sit Back If You Face Any Harsh
Problem; Keep Going At Double Speed.

If You’re Seeking Happiness,
Then Seek Inside Yourself.

No One Else Can Make You Happy;
Lucky Are Those Who Bring Joy Into Others’ Life.

People Who Are Comfortable On The Inside
Won’t Make Others Feel Sad.

“People are just as happy as
they make up their minds to be.”

I Was Searching For The Reason For Happiness,
Then I Realized That I Am Alive.

Be The Sunshine For The People Who
Are In The Darkness Of Life.

Your Environment Cannot Affect Your
Happiness If You Ultimately Control Your Emotions.

Make The Best Out Of Your Life; The Only
Legacy You Leave Behind Is How You Treat People.

Never Treat Yourself Harshly;
No One Else Will Be So Good To You.

Share The Love You Hold In Your Heart,
And Love Increases When You Share It.

And Sorrow Gets Decreased.
When You Share It.

Happiness Is The Cause Of
creating An Unwavering Life Condition.

“Learn to let go.
That is the key to happiness.”

The Hope That You Give To
Others Will Come Back To You.

The Happiest Are Those Who
Fight Their Problems.

Sometimes Your Joy Can Be The Reason For Your Smile,
But Sometimes Your Smile Can Be The Reason For Your Joy.

Be Happy Not Because Everything Is Fine But
Because You Can See The Positive In Everything.

Happiness Comes When You Realize Not
Everything Is In Your Control.

True Joy Comes When You Do Everything With A
Sense Of Purpose To Spread Peace And Harmony.

It Is Not Important To Give Money To People To
Make Them Happy; Kindness Is Enough For It.

Happiness Is Not A Feeling;
It Is Your Conscious Choice.

Happiness Means Accepting The
Realities And Working On Them.

If You Have Decided To Be Happy,
The Universe Will Also Bring Fortune To You.

Those Who Lament Over Everything
Cannot Feel Genuine Happiness.

To Be Happy, You Need To Learn That It Is
Your Choice To Be Sad And Lament Or Be That
Person Who Takes Challenges And
Changes The Situation.

You Can’t Be Happy Unless You
Have Not Seen The Struggles.

“Don’t take life too seriously.
You’ll never get out of it alive.”

The People Who Have Faced The Most
Daunting Challenges Can Be Happy.

Happiness Lies Within You; You’re
Just Unable To See It Correctly.

The Daunting Challenge Will Change You From
Within And Remove The Darkness Inside You.

Learn To Be Happy Not Because Everything Is
Perfect But Because You Can See The Ideal In Everything.

A Person Who Loves To Respect People,
I Can Get Many Along With Him.

Be The Change That You Wish
To See In The World.

The More You Realize What You Want To Do,
The More Your Come Near To You.

Love Every Moment; You’ll Eventually
Learn A Lot Along The Way.

Smile As A Cause For Greatness In Life,
Not As An Effect Of Something Environmental.

You Need Nothing More. Every Moment You Get
Is To Be Happy And Cherish Life, Not Envy.

Happiness Doesn’t Come With Money, Fame,
And A Luxurious Lifestyle, But It Comes With Hope,
Peace Of Mind, And Positivity.

Loving Yourself Can
Bring Happiness To You.

Your Happiness Can Become An Answer To All
Your Questions; Your Smile Can Bring Hope To Others.

Make Sure You Smile Today. You Never
Know What Will Happen Next.

Happiest Are Those Who Treat Others
With A Sense Of Understanding.

Positivity And Hope Come Along With The
Mindset To Take The Right Decision.

A Person Who Learns From His Mistake Is Awakened,
But A Person Who Learns From Others’ Mistakes Is Wise.

As Life Can Bring Joy To You, It’s Your
Responsibility To Sustain That Joy.

True Happiness Comes When You Try For Others’
Happiness But Do Not Expect Anything In Return.

A Person’s Real Character Can Be Seen In His Anger,
And His Genuine Desire Can Be Seen In His Sorrow.

Both Sadness And Happiness Make You
The Best Version Of Yourself.

“If you aren’t grateful for what you already have,
what makes you think you would be happy with more.”

You Cannot Have Everything To Be Done Overnight;
Great Things Take Time Too.

The More You Run Away From The Realities Of Life,
The More Happiness Is Running Away From You.

Satisfaction Is Like A Plant. If You Give It A Reasonable
Amount Of Time To Flourish, It Becomes Like A Tree.

Make Sure To Feel Blessed Every Day
And Thank God Each Day.

Happiness Is The Best, It’s True,
With A True Friend Like You.

Thanks For Making Life So Great,
I Heartily Respect Your Goodwill.

Feelings Of Joy In My Heart Reside,
In This Strong Relationship, Side By Side.

In The Book Of Life, You Play A Part,
You Connect My Heart; You’re An Ocean Of Love.

Life’s A Lovely Journey With You Along,
You Make It Beautiful, Like A Heartwarming Song.

With You, Every Moment Is So Lovely,
In Your Presence, I Find My Heaven.

Your Smile Is So Pretty, It’s True,
It Warms My Heart And Makes Me Value You.

A True Friend Like You Is A Precious Gem,
In Life’s Grand Plan, You’re A Priceless Stem.

Handsome Or Cute, You’re Charming, It’s Clear,
Your Presence Is Like Sunshine, Spreading Cheer.

Happiness comes from within,
not from without.

“Cry. Forgive. Learn. Move on.
Let your tears water the seeds of your future happiness.”

Honestly as long as
you’re who the hell cares.

Dream as if you’ll live forever,
live as if you’ll die today.

Even if happiness forgets you a little bit,
never completely forget about it.

Be believing, be happy, don’t get discouraged.
things will work out.

Happiness is a choice
that requires effort at times.

Happiness is a choice you cannot choose what happens,
but you can choose your reaction to it and be Happy.

Be believing, be happy, don’t get discouraged.
Things will work out.

The only thing that will make you happy is being happy with who you are,
and not who people think you are.

Happy people plan actions,
they don’t plan results.

The key to being happy is knowing you have the power
to choose what to accept and what to let go.

Do more what
makes you happy.

The only joy in
the world is to begin.

The happiness of society
is the end of government.

Happiness is opening
Christmas presents.

Learn how to be happy with what
you have while you pursue all that you want.

“Spread love everywhere you go.
Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.”

The art of being happy lies in the power of
extracting happiness from common things.

If only we’d stop trying to be happy
we could have a pretty good time.

The best way to cheer yourself up
is to try to cheer somebody else up.

If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts,
liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes.

Nothing is worth it
if you aren’t happy.

Nothing can bring
you happiness but yourself.

There are two ways to be happy, change the situation,
or change the mindset towards it.

Happiness is always knocking on your door
you just got to let it in.

Sometimes happiness is feeling.
Sometimes it’s a decision.

You cannot protect yourself from sadness without
protecting yourself from happiness.

You make me happy in
a way no one else can.

All seasons are beautiful for
the person who carries happiness within.

You’ve got to love what you
do to really make things happen.

The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes,
but in liking what one does.

Do things that make
you happy within the confines of the legal system.

being happy with you
is my favorite thing to do.

To be happy, we must not
be too concerned with others.

“One of the keys to happiness is a bad memory.”

If people are talking behind your back,
be happy that you are one in front.

Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life,
the whole aim and end of human existence.

Being happy is something that each of us determines,
it is not something that we find outside of yourself,
it is within us and our choice.

Happiness is like a butterfly which, when pursued,
is always beyond our grasp, but,
if you will sit down quietly,
may alight upon you.

You can never be really happy if you keep holding to those
bad memories which make you sad.

Be happy with what you have,
be excited about what you want.

I choose to
be happy today.

A happy life consists not in the absence,
but in the mastery of hardships.

I’m finally smiling
for me again.

Bad days
build better days.

Be happy in front of your haters,
it kills them.

Happy thoughts
fill your life with happiness.

Happiness is not something readymade.
It comes from your own actions.

If you want to live a happy life,
tie it to a goal not to people or objects.

Jesus is in
the happiness business.

Happiness is a journey.
not a destination.

Be so happy, that when others look
at you they become happy too.

There is no path to happiness.
Happiness is the path.

Do not worry
be happy in life.

The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance,
the wise grows it under his feet.

There are so many beautiful
reasons to be happy.

Happiness adds and multiplies,
as we divide it with others.

Trying to be happy without giving to others
is like trying to kiss alone.

Happiness is not the absence of problems,
but the ability to deal with them.

Deal with your problems before
they deal with your happiness.

Time you enjoy wasting
is not wasted time.

You don’t gain anything from
stressing, remember that.

If I make you happy,
I’m happy.

If being happy is important to you,
try this: instead of regretting all you lack,
celebrate all you’ve got.

The person who seeks all their applause from outside
has their happiness in another’s keeping.

Most folks are about as happy as
they make up their minds to be.

Happiness is having a large, loving,
caring, close-knit family in another city.

I just find myself happy with the simple
things appreciating the blessings god gave me.

Keep smiling and one day life
will get tired of upsetting you.

Talking about someone who makes
you happy actually makes you happy.

The most important thing is to enjoy your life
to be happy it’s all that matters.

A happy life consists not in the absence,
but in the mastery of hardships.

Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life,
the whole aim and end of human existence.

Happy is entirely up to you
and always has been.

Indeed, man wishes to be happy even
when he so lives as to make happiness impossible.

Be happy not be because everything is good,
but because you can see the good.

Happiness is when what you think,
what you say, and what you do are in harmony.

I think it’s time
to be happy again.

Stop trying to make everybody happy.
You’re not tequila.

Find happiness in
making others happy.

We ignored truths for
temporary happiness.

Happiness is the art of learning
how to get joy from your substance.

The happiness of your life depends upon
the quality of your thoughts.

Happiness is a conscious choice,
not an automatic response.

Happiness is where we find it,
but very rarely where we seek it.

It’s a hello start,
being able to recognize what makes you happy.

Nobody really cares if you’re miserable,
so you might as well be happy.

Think of all the beauty still left
around you and be happy.

Be happy,
be bright, be you.

Today is going to be a really,
really good day.

Happiness can be found even in the darkest of time,
if one day only remembers to turn on the light.

The talent for being happy is appreciating and liking what you have,
instead of what you don’t have.

Be with someone
who feels like home.

Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile,
but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.

It’s all about those
happy moments with you.

Think of all the beauty still left
around you and be happy.

Time you enjoy wasting
is not wasted time.

Success is not the key to happiness.
Happiness is the key to success.
If you love what you are doing,
you will be successful.

“Happiness is contagious,
spread this among people surrounding you.”

Doing what you like is freedom.
Liking what you do is happiness.

There is no path to happiness;
happiness is the path.”

“Happiness is like a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp,
but, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.”

Happiness Status on ill

“No medicine cures
what happiness cannot.”

“Happiness, search it in the outer world and
you’ll be exhausted. Search it inside you’ll find a path.”

“Happiness is not something ready-made.
It comes from your own actions.”

“Happiness is inversely correlated with desire.”

“Happiness is when what you think,
what you say, and what you do are in harmony”

“Success is not the key to happiness.
Happiness is the key to success.”

“Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle,
and the life of the candle will not be shortened.
Happiness never decreases by being shared.”

“Some people cause happiness wherever they go;
or these others where ever they go”

“The talent for being happy is appreciating and
liking what you have, instead of what you don’t have.”

“Success is not the key to happiness.
Happiness is the key to success.
If you love what you are doing,
you will be successful.”

“There is only one way to happiness and
that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.”

“Happiness is not something you postpone for the future;
it is something you design for the present.”

“True happiness is…to enjoy the present,
without anxious dependence upon the future.”

“The secret of happiness is not in doing
what one likes, but in liking what one does.”

“Enjoy your own life without
comparing it with that of another.”

“When it rains, look for rainbows.
When it’s dark, look for stars.”

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