Heart Touching Sad Shayari

Category: Sad Shayari in English

Experience the depth of emotions with our collection of heart-touching sad shayari. Perfectly capturing the essence of heartbreak and longing, our shayari will resonate with your soul and express the unspoken pain of lost love. Explore now and feel the words that heal. You can share Shayari as a text on Social Media, (Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter etc). Images are also available to download for free.

You came into my life and made it
a blooming world to live in.

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You make me feel so special
with the things you do and all that you say.

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I may not say a word, but my heart will always
tell me that you are my dearest.

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Love is like a ray of sunshine;
it brings a shining glow to its beholder’s face and
a warm feeling all over the body.

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Loving you means I have done the best thing,
I never regret loving you, dear.

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People say loving you gives pain and is full of sacrifices.
But I will instead go through pains and lots of sacrifices than not to love you, my sweetheart.

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I will make sure I do the needful to be your better half.

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heart touching sad shayari

You are still important to me with or without conversation.

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I don’t need a million reasons to feel special.
All I want is you to reside in this world. You’re the sunshine of my life.

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I would want to wake up every day to the tip
of my fingers tracing heart shapes on my skin.

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Each moment we’ve spent has been spectacular,
and I promise you, the best is yet to come.

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True love doesn’t just fill your heart;
it overflows into your whole body and soul.

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heart touching sad shayari

Don’t be too happy when people say they love you & care for you.
The real question is until when? Because just like seasons, people change.

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Live without you is like a tree
without blossoms or fruits.

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To lose balance,
sometimes for love is part of living a balanced life.

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One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life:
that word is love.

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Keep love in your heart.
A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead.
The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring.

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You know you're in love when you can’t fall asleep
because reality is finally better than your dreams.

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heart touching sad shayari

You can😢t be strong all the time.
Sometimes you just need to be alone and let your tear-out.

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True Love is like an Air.
We can’t see it, but we can feel it.

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Only true love or a good woman
can make a wrong man change himself.

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True love doesn’t come to you;
it has to be inside you.

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You meet true love only when
you begin to value your partner’s happiness more than yours.

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Love is pure and true love knows no gender.

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heart touching sad shayari

Dear life Please don’t make me Cry again And again again,
I don’t have Anyone who makes me stop crying.

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I can’t afford to lose you to another,
my love please don’t give your heart to another.
I love you so much.

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No matter what happens, my love for you will live on forever.
I will stick with you in any situation.

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I love you not because of anything you have,
but because of what I feel whenever I’m close to you.

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I never knew what love was until I met you, then when distance pulled us apart,
I found out what true love is. I love you.

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I keep myself busy with many things to do, but I still think of you each time I pause.
I can’t live a moment without you sweetheart.

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I choose you to be the only one I will forever love,
my love for you is so real, sweetheart.

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heart touching sad shayari

People with a good heart
are always unlucky in relationships,

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I will be your cloud up in the sky and I will be your shoulder to lean on,
I will be there for you when you call me.

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My world was so empty and dark that it all seemed so meaningless to me. But when I met you,
it felt like the sky over me had lightened up by million stars. I love you!

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Love can never ever be measured. It can only be felt.
You have designed my life with the colors of heaven.
I don’t need anything else as long as your love is with me!

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It takes great luck to have someone like you.
I feel blessed each day and each moment for this gift.
I will love you till my last breath no matter what life brings before us!

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The more I spend time with you, the more I fall in love with you every day.
You have a very gentle and tender heart that I promise to take care of all my life. I love you!

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They say love can’t be seen, it can only be felt. But they were wrong.
I have seen it many times. I have seen true love for me deep in your eyes.
And it’s the best thing I have ever seen!

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I was lost and hopeless. But I kept on praying for a savior to come into my life.
God accepted my prayer and sent you. Now I owe you my life for eternity.
Loving you deeply is the only thing I can do perfectly!

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Every time I close my eyes,
I dream about us being happy and merry together in our dream house.
Stay with me forever, Love.

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I feel fortunate to have you in my life as you light it up with your glow.
I value your presence more than any other thing, I love you.

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You have made me realize that love is the best feeling any human can feel.
Thank you for coming into my life. I love you.

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I cannot imagine surviving all the hard times of my life without your love and support.
Keep holding my hands tightly forever. I love you.

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More You Love People,
More they will hurt you

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I am so mature when
I am with others
I am so childish When
I am with you

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The lesser you care
The Happier you’ll be

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Maybe I’m too late to be your first
But, right now, I’m preparing
myself to be your last

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Things that are bad
Always taste nice
Remember that

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Don’t expect people to
Understand your hustle
When God didn’t give
Them your vision

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All girls are the same
Then Shut Up &
Date one

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Dear moon
Half or Full
You are always beautiful

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Believe what your heart tells you,
Not what others say

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If they come back to you
Don’t forget how they left

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My Sadness turns into anger and
That’s one of the worst toxic traits I have

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Just because someone is strong
Enough to handle pain
doesn’t mean they deserve it

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We all ignore micro happiness
In pursuit of macro happiness

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I’m the type of girl who could have tears streaming
Down my face & still insist that everything is fine

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It hurts when you realize you aren’t as important
To someone as you thought you are were

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I am a good enough person to forgive you
But not stupid enough to trust you again

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I didn’t lose you,
you lost me.
you will search for me inside of everyone
You’re with and won’t be found

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sometimes, all you can do is lie in bed,
And hope to fall asleep before you fall apart

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Never allow someone to be your priority
While allowing
yourself to be their option

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You HATE me
But who are you?

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People who Don’t know me
Think I”M still the same

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Nothing wrong with this world,
Something wrong with Humans

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OHH Honey, LIFE is a full of mistakes,
And YOU are the biggest one

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You think you know people
But Then they Surprise you

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Don’t cry for the person
Make that
Person cry. SIMPLE

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Every time I trust someone
They show me why I shouldn’t

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Don’t tell me I belong to your heart,
You know I don’t like crowded places

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LIFE is FULL of FAKE People

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i’m currently making some
Changes in my life
If you don’t hear from me,
You’re one of them

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Want To Be Successful
So Always Learn From
Others Mistake, Not Yours.

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I still Wait for You
But It Does Not Mean
I Will Forgive You

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I still miss you
But I don’t want
You back anymore

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You cannot protect yourself from sadness
Without protecting yourself from happiness

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The word happy would lose
It’s meaning if it were not balanced By sadness

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Our sweetest songs are those
That tell of saddest thought

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Tears come from the heart
And not from the brain

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Tears shed for another person
Are not a sign of Weakness
They are the sign of pure heart

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First, accept sadness, Realize that without
Loosing, Winning isn’t so great

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Things change and friends leave
Life doesn’t stop for anybody

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It’s sad when someone you know
Become someone you knew

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Naver make a decision when you are upset
Sad, Jealous or in Love

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Let us sacrifice our today so that
Our children can have a better tomorrow

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Do not mind anything to anyone tells you about anyone else
Judge everyone and everything for yourself

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Lord make me an instrument of the peace
Where there is hatred let me sow love

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Good judgement comes from experience and
A lot of that comes from bad judgement

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No act of kindness no matter
how small is ever wasted

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It is far better to be alone,
Then to be bad in a company

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If you cannot do great things
Do small things in a great way

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Permanence, perseverance and persistence
In spite of all obstacles discouragement and in possibilities
it is this that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the week

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Keep your face always towards the sunshine and
Shadows will fall behind you

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Ever tried, Ever failed, No matter,
Try Again, Fail again, Fail better

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Spread love everywhere you go
Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier

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The pessimist complains about the wind,
The optimist expects it to change, The realist adjust sails

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Being enjoying honest with oneself is a good exercise

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Life’s most persistent and urgent question is
what are you doing for others ?

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what we achieve inwardly will change outer reality

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Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap
That by the seeds that you plant

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When one door of happiness closes another opens but often
We Look So long in the closed door that we do not see
The one that has been opened for us

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Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom

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How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment
Before starting to improve the world

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Go confidently in the direction of your
dreams live the life you have imagined

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Always remember that
you are absolutely unique
just like everyone else

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The only thing necessary
for the triumph of evil is for
good men to do nothing

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As an SEO Expert and Blogger with a deep passion for Shayari, I specialize in optimizing online visibility and crafting compelling content. Beyond the digital realm, my heart lies in Shayari, where words become poetry, expressing emotions with eloquence. Join me on a journey of optimization, creativity, and the artistry of Shayari. Let's elevate your online presence and delve into the beauty of words together.